
Birthday: April 20th (90's)
Zodiac: Taurus
Favorite Food: Sushi and spaghetti
Favorite Drink: Tea and Root Beer
Favorite Color: Green/Jade

Art Tag: #CircusDeSal
18+ Tag: #SalGothMilkies

Oshi Mark: 💚🎪

Favorite Game: Kingdom Hearts, God of War, Final Fantasy
Favorite Anime: JJBA, Castlevania, Hellsing OVA

Artist: tianyuma on fiverr

Artist: Sallade


The carrd's layout and everything is done by Eek! ( is by Choco on fiverr ( try to credit all the artists in gallery. The images are linked to their twitter or username.


Art by Cdeer207
Art by Cdeer207
Art by Paws0308
Devy29 on Fiverr
Art by kitto_quinn
by me